Storage tanks/Buffer tank


Model: KBSS

Thermal flywheel with DHW production and technical water with storage “tank in tank“. Vetrified (EMAIL).


    Costruction: steel sheets S235JR EN10025. Fixed spiral heat exchangers with steel pipes S235JR EN10025 welded to the tank.

    Flywheel - productor with two fixed exchangers.

    Treatment: interior vetrified (EMAIL), applied in an oven at 860°, suitable for use and consumption of potable water.

    Cathodic protection: Magnesium sacrificial anodes on threaded cap

    Insulation: Mod. RF polyester fibre panel, environmentally friendly and recyclable with Euroclass B s2d0 fire resistance in compliance with UNI ENI 13501-1 standard with strong insulating power.

    Mod. RG non-removable rigid polyurethane mod. 220÷600, removable rigid polyurethane cupels for remaining models.

    External finish: PVC external finish.

Technical features

Model 220/100 330/100 600/100 600/180 800/180 800/300 1000/180 1000/300 1500/300 2000/300
Ø with insulation RF mm. - - - - 990 990 990 990 1150 1300
Ø with insulation RG mm. 600 600 750 750 990 990 990 990 1150 1300
Total height mm. 1385 1860 1910 1910 1805 1805 2105 2105 2320 2390

Ellegi S.r.l.

Via II^ Strada 19 - 35026

Conselve (PD) ITALY 

Tel. +39 049 9501692

P. IVA: 01101400297

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